Corpus Interruptus
Mānoa Campus, Earle Ernst Lab Theatre, 1770 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822
Directed by MFA Directing Candidate Kat Altman and PhD in Performance Studies Candidate Mike Poblete:
In a world where pu$$y grabbing is White House policy, is your body still yours? Does anyone even care? Corpus Interruptus is a devised theatrical experience with no script, no fiction and no rules, exploring our bodies and identities in Trump’s America.
$10 Regular
$8 Seniors, Military, UH Faculty/Staff
$5 UH Mānoa Students with valid UHM ID
Sold at the Kennedy Theatre Box Office starting one hour before curtain.
Ticket Information
Sold one hour before curtain.
Event Sponsor
Theatre and Dance, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-2598