The Country Wife
Mānoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre
Restoration Comedy (written in 17th century England) is known for bawdiness and a satirical, sometimes farcical, view of sexuality and marriage. The Country Wife includes diabolical cads, flirts, rakes, and other delightful yet unsavory characters in a war of wits and dimwits.
$18 Regular
$16 Seniors, Military, UH Faculty/Staff
$15 UHAA Members
$13 Students
$8 UH Mānoa Students with valid ID*
Regularly priced tickets will be available starting 9/10 online at, by phone at 944.2697, at Campus Center, at Stan Sheriff Box Office, and at the Kennedy Theatre Box Office (during open hours).
Post-Show Rap on Fri, Apr 26th
Event Sponsor
UHM Department of Theatre + Dance, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Kennedy Theatre Box Office, (808) 956-7655,,